The Martian 250 Movies Better than Shawshank

I’ve been considering my last post for 2015; I’ve been asking myself if there are any movies from 2015 that are good enough for this honor, and I came up with Ridley Scott’s: The Martian. Yes, it is the perfect… Continue Reading

Scrooged Christmas Movie Countdown

As promised; actually I don’t know if I promised, but it was implied; as I was saying, Scrooged is a humorous portrayal of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Bill Murray, in the lead role, is back to fighting ghosts. John Forsythe… Continue Reading

The Bishop’s Wife Christmas Movie Countdown

Yes, that is the bishop’s wife, but where is the bishop, and who is that man? The Bishop’s Wife, the 1947 film  produced by Samuel Goldwyn and directed by Henry Coster, stars Cary Grant, Loretta Young, David Niven and Monty… Continue Reading

Miracle on 34th Street (1947) Christmas Movie Countdown

I love this movie! Starring Edmund Gwenn as Santa Claus and Natalie Wood as the little girl who doesn’t believe in Santa Claus; this is another movie with the message: Santa Claus is real! Or is it? Maybe it’s just… Continue Reading

The Santa Clause Christmas Movie Countdown

         Wikipedia calls The Santa Clause a fantasy, but the whole point of this 1994 film is that Santa Claus is real: Ha, ha, ha, and a ho, ho, ho, and a very, merry holiday to one and all!!!

Home Alone Christmas Movie Countdown

Another movie screenplay written by John Hughes: Home Alone. Released in 1990, directed by Christopher Columbus (yes he is an immortal) and starring McCaulay Culkin.   It’s a movie about bad parenting and funny as all get out.