Star Trek II, The Wrath of Kahn 250 Movies Better than Shawshank

Wait a minute; whose wrath are we talking about! Yep there’s Capt. Kirk with Genesis in the background. He seems to be having a bad day which is always what happens when he meets up with Kahn. For me, The… Continue Reading

Metropolis (1927) 250 Movies Better than Shawshank

  Today, while I was writing a review of Emile Zola’s immortal novel: Germinal, I thought of Metropolis. Directed by Fritz Lang, this silent film from 1927 has had a number of face lifts over the years. My personal favorite… Continue Reading

Sunshine (2007) 250 Movies Better than Shawshank

Sunshine, directed by Danny Boyle, holds its own among such giants in the sci fi art film genre as Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 a Space Odyssey, Andrei Tarkovsky’s Solaris, and Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar. As with all of these films, plot and… Continue Reading

Interstellar 250 Movies Better than Shawshank

Thanks to Cassie and Harley for reminding me about Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar. The screenshot to the left was the best I could come up with to suggest a film that goes well beyond the usual depictions of the space beyond human… Continue Reading